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  • How do I Book Appointments?
    Call or Text (904)434-7672 Online
  • How do I order wigs?
    contact Ivory Send picture, length, color & texture you will receive price make payment wig is made receive wig
  • Can i drop wig off for shampoo and style
    yes, drop wig off and pickup later
  • Can i bring my own hair for wig
    yes, drop off hair with deposit & pick up on agreed date
  • how long does it take to get a custom wigs
    pick up 3 to 5 business days add an additional 3 days for shipping
  • How long shoulld i wait after color to get relaxer
    2 to 3 weeks depending on hair prosity
  • Do you accept walkins
  • How long does it take to get a sewin
    Basic sewins 1 to 2 hours Fontal sewins 2 * plan for 3 or more hours if frontal is not dropped off before hand or if color is need
  • How can i get products
    inside salon or call in orders if you nedd items shipped ******* online ordering coming soon*******
  • What's the difference between closure and frontals
    Lace Closures} Usually a 4x4 (bigger sizes) size square piece of lace, which goes from temple to temple Lace Frontal} Lace hair piece goes from ear to ear has to be gule down in front! used to recreate the entire hairline, must be customized to look natural
  • How much does it cost to remove extentsion
    $25 Braids $30
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